Aralin Bilang 6: Ang Pandiwang Kátawanín
Some Tagalog sentences have only two elements: Verb and Doer. For example: Nag-aaral akó. Nag-aaral is the verb while akó is the doer. Such verb is intransitive. Learn more from here.
Welcome once again. This is 6th part of the many series of lessons on Verbs for Intermediate in Tagalog. In this series, we're discovering how to group together the vast universe of Tagalog verbs apart from the basic Actor Focused and Object Focused verbs covered in the Beginners Level courses. Notice in the past couple of posts that we're pivoting into a different perspective and hopefully I'm giving you more clarity on using verb prefixes and suffixes.
Our new lesson today is about Intransitive Verbs or in Tagalog: Mga Pandiwang Katawanín.
Essential Questions
- Is it possible for a Tagalog sentence to be constructed with out direct object?
- What is Intransitive Verb (Pandiwang Katawanín)?
Let's begin by presenting you two different sentence examples:
- Sumakáy akó sa traysikel. (I rode the tricycle.)
- Nag-aaral akó. (I'm studying.)