Learn Tagalog Valentine’s Day Phrases
Practice Tagalog Valentine’s Day phrases! Download the flashcards & quiz, plus enjoy bonus audio to improve your pronunciation.
In time for Valentine’s Day, let’s learn some Tagalog words and phrases related to this special day. Umpisahán na natin! (Let's start right away.)
💬 Vocabulary
Tagalog | Part of Speech | English | Example Sentence |
Pusò | noun | heart | Malakás ang tibók ng pusò ko. (My heart is beating loud) |
Pagmamahál | noun | platonic love | Wagás ang pagmamahál ng iná sa kanyáng anák. (Pure is the loving feeling of a mother to her child.) |
Pag-ibig | noun | love, including sexual love | Ikáw ang aking unang pag-ibig. (You're my first love) |
Pagsintá | noun | synonym to pag-ibig | Huwág ka nang magtampó, sintá ko. (Stop sulking, my love) |
Ligaw | verb | courtship | Nililigawan ka ba ni Paulo? (Is Paulo courting you) |
kasintahan | noun | dating partner, romantic partner | Mayroón na siyáng kasintahan. (He/she already has a dating partner) |
asawa | noun | spouse, husband, wife | Niyakap ko ang asawa ko. (I hugged my spouse) |
yakap | verb | hug, embrace | Yakapin mo akó. (Embrace me) |
halík | verb | kiss | Pahalík akó. (Let me kiss you) |
regalo | noun | gift | May regalo akó para sa iyó. (I have a gift you) |
matamís | adjective | sweet | Bigyán mo akó ng isáng matamís na halík. (Give me one sweet kiss) |

What Do Filipinos Say When Expressing Their Thoughts And Feelings On Valentine's Day?
Here are a few useful expressions that you might hear from natives when it comes to love and romance:
- Mahál ko (My love)
- Mahál kitá (I love you)
- Gustó kitá (I like you)
- Wagás na pag-ibig (pure love)
- Taós-pusò (wholeheartedly)
- Puwáng sa pusò (figurative: a spot in one's heart; a room in one's heart)
- Bukás ang pusò (the heart is open to something or someone)
- Bastá kasama kitá (for as long as you're with me)
- May regalo akó para sa iyó. (I have a gift for you)
- Niregaluhan niyá akó. (He/she sent me a gift)
- Labás tayo sa Araw ng Mga Pusò. (Let's go out on Valentine's Day)
- Kumain kamí sa labás. (We ate outside)
- Nanoód kamí ng sine. (We watched movie)
- Walâ akóng kasama sa Valentines. (I have no company on Valentine's Day)
- Hindî pa akó handáng makipagrelasyón. (I'm not ready yet for a relationship)
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Oh by the way, should you have participated in the previous lesson and have seen my husband's written essay, I'm leaving the text version of it here...
Part 1. Bruce's Thoughts On Valentine's Day, English Version
I have never liked Valentine's Day. Inevitability usually had a bad time. All that changed when I married Gurô Albine. It became a happy holiday for me. Now I understand all the fuss that others make about this holiday. For me though, everyday with Gurô Albine is Valentine's Day.
Part 2. Tagalog Translation
Hindî ko gustó noón ang Valentine's Day. Palaging hindî ko maiwasang magkaroón ng hindî magandáng pakiramdám. Ang lahát nang iyón ay nagbago nang pakasalán ko si Gurô Albine. Nagíng masayá ang Araw ng Mga Pusò para sa akin. At ngayón ay naiintindihán ko ang lahát ng mga usapín tungkól dito. Sa ngayón nga, araw-araw ay Valentine's kasama si Gurô Albine.
In this tutorial, you've gotten a higher level of Tagalog because:
- You can speak a few words related to Valentine's Day occasion. These are easy to remember and you can also use them in your daily conversation.
- You can speak messages of love and you can understand when you hear others say them in Tagalog.
- You know that people who are single are also okay on Valentine's Day. You can also practice Tagalog words and phrases relevant to being single.
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